My A to Z Technology account
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My A to Z account F.A.Q.
Account Questions? Common Answers!
How do I register for a My A to Z account?
Simply enter your email address, press the “Submit” button, and a link will be sent to your email address to finish account setup.
Can I order without an account?
While you can order without an account (Guest ordering), we prefer that you make an account to make the ordering process easier for everyone. To register an account, first enter your email address, then click, “Register”, and follow the link in your email inbox.
Do I have to sign up for SMS notifications?
Login to your account, and select “Payment Options” from the right-hand menu. From there, you are free to add, update, or delete payment methods stored in your account.
Can I delete my account?
Per our privacy policy, you are free to delete and/or deactivate your account at any time. To do so, login to your account, [TODO]